Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The finish line in Memphis

Perfect day for running, and I somehow found a way to finish with a pack of ladies (always do).

Monday, December 10, 2007

St. Jude Half-Marathon

Race report link: http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/discussion/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=97660

Comments on the run:

A bit hillier than I remember Memphis being. Any steep hills were really
just some short risers, so they didn't last that long. The entire course was
rolling, for the most part. Long steady inclines followed by a long steady
decline. I had trained in my neighborhood, which may be the flattest place
on earth, so it was a challenging for me, but not unbearable by any means.
The route was great. The weather was perfect so running down Riverside
Drive, you had a great view of the Mississippi River and the I-40 bridge.

There were people everywhere downtown cheering for you, bands and
other performers were all over the place (big thanks to the belly dancers at
mile 11). We ran through some neighborhoods and it looked like some of the
people had decided to set up their own entertainment for you in their front
yards. It was pretty cool to run down Poplar, which is a very busy main road
heading east out of downtown. We had two lanes to run in, so traffice was
pretty much at a stand still, but most of the motorist were hanging out of
their cars cheering you on. The only spot were there were really no
spectators was a cut through road in Overton Park, and it was kind of nice
having about a mile of quiet, tree lined path to sort of gather your thoughts for the final push.

A very enjoyable but challenging run for me.

I've got some pics of the finish at Autozone park that I'll put up when I remember to.

Monday, December 3, 2007

More from San Destin

I finally ordered some of those pics that the photogs take at the events. So now I got some action photos. This is me on the bike, having a good day. My split was a PR this day. The run? Not so much, but I did finish.

I just finished the St. Jude half marathon in Memphis this past weekend, too. No pics of the course, which was awesome, but I'll have some of the finish area in Autozone Park and a race report up soon.