Friday, July 6, 2007

Clarification and the Friday Brew

When I said my knee was acting up (in the previous post), here is why:

Those screws are holding in my posterior cruciate ligament. Well, it's not my ligament per se. It used to belong to some kind cadaver. Now it's bolted to the femur and tibia, and threaded through my right knee. There was also some MCL stuff they had to fix. It was quite cool before the surgery. My tibia would move back and forth and twist a bit. A great way to gross a lot of people out. Eventually, though, it became painful to run, so I had the operation to tighten things up a bit. The Doc was surprised I could walk into his office.

What was the point of that story? Well, it's how I got into cycling. The orthopedist and the therapist said a bike would a great non-impact excercise that I could do. It would keep the strength in that leg, and I would be able to do it as an endurance sport (I was training for my first triathlon when I had to go in and get the operation..... bummer). Needless to say, I got hooked.

Then the doc made the mistake of telling me I was cleared to do whatever I wanted. The next day I signed up for the Mardis Gras Marathon. Since then I've done the marathon, two triathlons and a metric century. This isn't that astounding to some people, but it is my first summer of endurance sports. So, I'm pretty happy with the way things are going.

Anyway, I think the knee pain was just a little reminder. You know, a "hey jackass, did you forget what you're working with down here?" But, I'm back to normal. I've put 60 miles in this week and I hope to do another 30-40 this weekend. I've got some new pedals and shoes coming in for the Trek that I hope to break in on an easy Natchez Trace out and back.

Now, on to the beer:

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is probably the best American Style that is readily available at the local grocery. It may be the only one, actually. That is no matter, it is still a great pale.

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