Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Bike Build is finally done..

It's not exactly a custom carbon framed rocket, but my mom has ridden it and is officially hooked on riding. So, it was a success afterall. Just a reminder of where this thing started:
After a few coats of paint, a new seat and post, new handlebars, and handle bar bag, new cables, a cage and bottle, and new tires; We have this (and the gears even work):
and some more shots:

Doing this was incredibly fun. I'm now looking for a aero triathlon bike frame to build up my own. Don't know if I can do it or not, but it'll be fun to try. If I screw it up, I'm sure Gary would be happy to slap it together, for a small fee. The hardest part so far has been locating a good tri frame (that I can afford at the moment).

Heading to the beach this weekend, so I'll throw out the Friday Brew a day early as well. It's Tecate, and I'm going to be drinking a lot of it

1 comment:

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